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Automate your SCP workflow

The world’s first bench-top, end-to-end Single-Cell Proteomics (SCP) sample preparation platform. Our high-throughput, single-cell sorting and processing system ensures efficiency, speed, and stability. Overcome technical barriers in single-cell proteomics sample preparation with ease. A complete workflow solution in under 6 hrs.

BOXmini single-cell proteomics sample preparation

Precision & Reliability

Adaptability & Versatility

Fully Automated



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At ACX Instruments, we are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of life science research through our innovative digital microfluidics platform. Our mission is to empower researchers and scientists with the tools they need to make groundbreaking discoveries.

company biotech labs

Streamlined Research Workflows

Our platform optimises research workflows, enabling seamless experimentation and data collection for efficient analysis and interpretation.

digital microfluidics chip

Integrated Solutions

Experience the convenience of an all-in-one solution that integrates your research ideas, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.

acx lab hallway

Dedicated Customer

Our team is committed to providing comprehensive customer support, ensuring that you have the assistance needed at every stage of your project.

digital microfluidics prototypes

Advanced Automation Capabilities

Discover our smart automation tools that simplify complex procedures, allowing researchers to focus on the actual scientific exploration.

Discover Our Capabilities

Elevate your research capabilities with our advanced digital microfluidics hardware platform, designed to maximize productivity and scientific discovery.

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